Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Ganesh H. Shankar's Fine Art Nature Photography

This is another photographer that I have found and which I thought looked very similar to what I am trying to do. This photographer has focused more on Nature photography whereas I'm open with what I am photographing but I will experiment into nature as well.
Above is the Bokeh effect that I have trying to do in my images.

The thing that I like about all those photographs is that they are images with not too much detail, they look very simple but still have been very cleverly composed. They all have a mystery in them which is what makes them so interesting to look at. Another thing that I like is that he has made simple things that we possibly see everyday look quite interesting to look at.

My work - Experimenting

Following are two images that I have taken and edited. I have put both black & white and color version because I think some images do look better in color rather than black & white.

This is what I have taken to experiment to effect on Photoshop. I tried the method out and it seemed that the Bokeh effect worked better when I was using images with more lighting such as the one below. I think it would be better if I take the images outdoors or on a location where there is a lot of light sources because that is what will create the Bokeh effect.

The three photographs above are also of the same effect. I think that photograph looks best in the Sepia color and in its actual colors. I think what is missing in this photographs is that mystery effect that Tami Bone had in her images. In my images it is actually noticeable where it is taken and what it actually is. This is the aspect of my work that I still need to work on to make my images look more interesting.

Here above is another example of the same. The thing that was different in my photographs compared to the ones of Tami Bone's is that I have always left one aspect of the photograph in focus whereas she has blurred everything. But I think that what I did created a good effect in the last two photographs that I have taken. When I showed this image to a group of people they actually thought that the car on the bottom right side was a toy that I had placed in the frame which I obviously didn't. I think that is one of the things that I liked about that image. It does have that mystery effect that I have been speaking about in Tami Bone's images.

Final plan

Because of the fact that my previous plans didn't work out according to plan, I decided to change my plan. It is still the same as I have already mentioned before but I have decided to focus on one particular types of images. After my previous research that I did, I have noticed that most of the photographers have invested a lot of money in order to produce those photographs. The only possible achievable type of photographs that I found out of them was those of Tami Bone. I think I can easily achieve those types of photographs. In the following posts I will be posting some experimenting that I have been doing related to that type of photographs. I will also be adding how I can possibly improve those images and make them better. Following is again one of Tami Bone's photographs that I have taken as an inspiration.

I really liked this photograph because I think it is very cleverly composed. The editing is very interesting as well. Two types of blur's have been used in the photograph. the background is blurred with a Bokeh effect and the dog is a normal blur without the Bokeh effect. I have noticed this after I edited my own taken photographs. 

The other thing that I really like about the photograph is that there is a kind of mystery in it. I can not actually tell what is happening in the image or where the dog is or even what is happening to it. This is what atmosphere I want to create in my own images as well.