Thursday, 10 April 2014


In the start of this project I was lost. I did not really know where to start and it was really hard for me to think of an idea. It is always easier for me if I know what I am doing. I started off with shooting some bits of video that I wanted to create a narrative from, but it was not getting anywhere. I did know from the beginning that I wanted to do something with dreams & memories because it is a quite broad theme and anything could be done with it. I kept researching and found some other photographers that shot dreams. They all had very big budgets to start with and amazing sets that were quite hard to get hold of for me. This is why I carried on my research. Then I found a photographer called Tami Bone that also shot dreams. Her photographs were very simple looking but are really good thought off. She has really good compositions and are all shot in squares. I finally started taking photographs and edited them in a similar way than her. I started off like that but they still did not have a proper them e that would connect all the images with each other. Then I decided to shoot buildings in my images. The focus of the whole frame did not always lie on the buildings but I have tried to include buildings in all of my images. After that I started researching old castles and buildings as well and went to shoot in Yorkshire. Finally I knew exactly what I was doing and started getting into it. I still edited them in the same way that I did in the beginning to give the same feel as in a dream. I have produced a total of 14 final images and I am quite happy with them. I did not enjoy this project in the beginning but after I knew what I was doing I did enjoy everything I did for the project and I would definitely do something like that again in the future. 

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Artist statement

My work is about dreams and memories. How you would see them in your dreams, all blurred out and mostly in black and white. All of them based around buildings and castles. They have been edited in a similar style as a photographer called Tami Bone that has also shot dreams. 

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

My final edited images

Here are all my final images. I have edited them in black and white and blurred most of the frame like a dream would actually look like and just mostly focused on one particular thing. I am quite happy with the results and think they look quite dreamy.